Update ramalan bintang, zodiak hari ini untuk bulan April minggu kedua adalah sebagai berikut:
Aries (21 Mar - 19 Apr)
It's a good time to initiate new things and explore new ideas. Your mind is hungry.
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You've got a lot on your plate, but look closer -- there is still enough room for one more thing, isn't there? So stop fighting the urge to start any new projects -- if something exciting comes along today, embrace it and get involved. Ignore warnings from concerned friends: They are well-meaning but paranoid. This is a good time to initiate new things and explore new ideas. Your mind is hungry and all fired up for new input, so go out and get some! Things could get very exciting very quickly.
Taurus (20 Apr - 20 Mei)
Getting caught up in a routine can be a very comforting thing, so embrace it today.
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Getting caught up in a routine can be a comforting thing, and having things 'your way' makes this crazy world feel a little bit more manageable. So don't worry that you're getting stuck in a rut -- maybe that's not such a bad thing! Besides, you'll start trying new things when the mood hits you. Eventually, your routine will start to create too much monotony in your life and you'll start getting curious about new things. You don't have to rush it.
Gemini (21 Mei - 21 Jun)
Keep an eagle eye out for new people today. The have the answer you're looking for.
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Just because someone is out of sight doesn't mean they're not on your mind. A former coworker may reappear on the scene now, and they offer a missing link between you and several opportunities -- including greater wealth and a hotter romance. Keep an eagle eye out for unfamiliar phone numbers or email addresses, because everything isn't as you assume it to be. Sometimes, relationships or other types of connections are circular -- and come back around to make things complete.
Cancer (22 Jun - 22 Jul)
Your hard work always pays off -- although it might take longer than you want it to.
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Your hard work always pays off! Sure, it might take longer than you'd like to reap the rewards of your sweat equity, but it will come -- you must have faith! So if you see a chance to get a little further in a goal or on a project, go for it. So what if you've already got a lot on your plate or are feeling tired? The harder you work now, the sooner you will be able to relax. Dig down to unearth that Type A personality lurking inside of you. It will help you power through and persevere.
Leo (23 Jul - 22 Agt)
Your combination of flexibility and maturity makes you just about unbeatable today!
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You have an unbeatable combination of flexibility and maturity today that makes you pretty much, well, unbeatable! You'll be able to rise above any petty dramas with ease -- you're too grown-up to get involved in the childish antics of others. Taking this attitude will gain you respect and more than a little admiration from a former foe. Things are about to shift in your direction, and you will have a chance to gain a lot more power a lot earlier than you thought.
Virgo (23 Agt - 22 Sep)
The idea of partnership is very appealing to you right now -- work with someone!
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The idea of partnership is very appealing to you right now -- working with another person will be challenging, but it's the kind of challenge that you are craving right now. You will showcase all your strengths, and they will showcase theirs. Try to put together some sort of task for a duo today, even if it is as simple as a carpool. Okay, so you two might not solve all the world's problems -- but you will at least be able to drive in the carpool lane!
Libra (23 Sep - 22 Okt)
You've been working hard, so today you deserve a break. Pat yourself on the back.
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You've been working hard, so right now you deserve a break. It's not that you're tired and need a rest -- more likely, you need space and time to gain perspective on all you've done. You deserve a big pat on the back, and you need to realize that you are capable of truly amazing things. Plus, there are a few people who want some social time with you! Rack up some leisure time -- you know how to appreciate all of your success without focusing exclusively on it.
Scorpio (23 Okt - 21 Nov)
Good luck isn't a passive experience -- you have to give good karma to get it back.
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Good luck is not a passive experience -- you can't just wait for a generous genie to arrive at your doorstep and grant you three wishes. In order to enjoy more luck in your life right now, you have to create it -- starting today. Put some more positive energy out there, and do your own best impression of a fairy godparent for someone who needs one. An anonymous gift or good deed will go a long way toward bringing more happy coincidences to your life.
Sagittarius (22 Nov - 21 Des)
Working with another person today will be much more fun than you expected it to be.
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Working with another person today will be just as much fun as you were expecting it to be, but it could also create a critical turning point in your life. If you are ready for change, it is ready for you. You are all set to have a good time with creative brainstorming, and you will definitely not be disappointed. However, your tasks will not be all about play. There is some serious advancement going on in your life and the transition you're in is no laughing matter.
Capricorn (22 Des - 19 Jan)
Despite your humble nature, your outward personality may be intimidating people.
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Despite your humble nature, your exuberant personality may be intimidating people more than you realize. Make an effort to candy coat what you say and amp up the diplomacy -- some of the people around you are especially thin-skinned, right now. They value your critical eye, but may not be ready for the truth. Keep in mind all the times they've focused more on your gifts than your challenges and return that generosity without hesitation. Show them your warmhearted nature.
Aquarius (20 Jan - 18 Feb)
You will be able to get a lot done in a little bit of time today. Expect praise.
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There is going to be a lot of overlap between your family responsibilities and your work responsibilities today, which is a good thing -- you will be able to get a lot done in very little time. While you're taking care of the errands you need to run for work, you can take care of a few personal errands as well without anyone thinking twice about it. No one at the office is going to care if you pick up the dry cleaning on your way back from the copy center.
Pisces (19 Feb - 20 Mar)
Today, you need to consider getting back into an active role in your social life.
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You've stepped back and have been letting life move on around you without getting involved, and that was smart -- it kept you out of the current drama. But today, you might need to consider getting back into an active role. But if you decide to rejoin this rat race, just be sure to take things slowly. Baby steps will lead you down the right path -- and possibly into the right person's arms. Let yourself be taken care of a little while longer -- you deserve the attention.
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