Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tarot and Zodiac Today

Tarot is an ancient method of psychic prediction, deep in esoteric symbolism and tradition. By combining tarot with the elements of the zodiac, Zsuzsana is able to access the mysteries of the universal forces affecting your life. These amazingly accurate day by day predictions are grouped by sun sign elements for ease of use.

EARTH ELEMENT Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Hark, the herald angels sing.... there's all kinds of news, action, adventure and excitement, and it all seems heaven sent. You're humming happy holiday songs regardless of the season - good for you. We've all heard of 'Christmas in July' and any time you chose can be a time of joy and goodwill. Be ready for unexpected visitors or phone calls today..

The morning hours may find you a little preoccupied or on the defensive. Material concerns may be overly emphasized, but by afternoon you should regain your equilibrium. Watch that you don't hold on too tightly to that which you should be letting go. If your hands are clenched you can't accept new offerings that come your way..

Friction in the family or in your general environment is possible today, and you may have a tendency to be a Gloomy Gus in general. Try to pinpoint just what it is that is making you apathetic or melancholy - it is in your power to improve the situation..

Financial or logistical problems may surface today, or you may simply be feeling out of sorts in general. Go back to square one and re-examine the situation - if you retrace your steps you can sort things out. Focus on reorganizing..

Your defences will be down today, so take as much care as possible to guard both your health and your property. If you need to, try to squeeze in a nap to recover from the excesses of the past little while. Just pull those covers up over your head and give yourself permission to relax and recharge a little..

You may be a little disappointed when you realize not everybody is going to agree with you all of the time. But some issues are simply not worth worrying about. Focus on the good in your relationships (personal, business and love) and get past any points of contention. It's the big picture that counts..

Today's a feel-good day - you can expect good news, adventure and lots of activity. Children are fun to be around, and action and optimism colour your day. Ride the wave and laugh out loud! Hang ten and hang loose..

FIRE ELEMENT Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Small disappointments may make you way more upset or depressed today than the situation actually warrants, so don't make an unnecessary scene or rash gestures today. Any minor cloudbursts will leave a rainbow behind them as a gift, so just look for the magic - it is there if you really want to see it..

If you have been focusing a great deal on spiritual and emotional matters, today you may decide it's time to pay attention to more mundane and rational concerns. Intuition has been serving you well, but when you apply logic and intellect, a murky situation may develop into one which is clear cut, with practical solutions..

Life is a bit of a roller coaster ride today. The day may start with a bit of Murphy's law at work or a turn of fate that's not to your liking. It may momentarily seem like there's no rhyme or reason to life but just remember, the wheel goes round and round and in a very short matter of moments or hours, you may being seeing everything from a brand new perspective..

You're ready for battle today, intellectually and physically. Stand up for yourself where necessary. If you're feeling unaccountably agitated, try to work off your tensions with some physical activity today. Even if it's only some housecleaning, you will release some stress and do something constructive at the same time..

A young person around you may be out of sorts today so be prepared to give some firm guidance. There may also be a slight money loss or disappointing financial news - perhaps just a delay in some expected income. Don't worry - it's not as big a deal as it seems..

Hey, hey, hey, it's a beautiful day! Take advantage of fortunate opportunities - it's time to grab the brass ring if it's offered. Remind yourself often throughout the day to smile - and the universe is sure to smile back at you in many ways!.

You may find yourself getting heavily involved emotionally with other people's problems today. Do what you can to help, but remember, we choose our own lives and our own lessons. In the long run, the wisdom we gain from our difficulties clearly becomes a precious gift..

AIR ELEMENT Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

You may be feeling a bit dumped on today, but you nevertheless shoulder the burden and carry on. There may be a lot of pressure on you at the moment - but nothing will stop you from continuing toward your goals. See if you can convince someone to give you a nice massage - you could really use it..

Promises are just promises until they are manifested into reality, so don't be too disappointed if someone lets you down. Others aren't always as honourable or intensely committed as you are - but don't take it to heart. You're ahead of the crowd, as usual..

You may be feeling a little repressed or blocked today - and your level of creativity is likely lower than usual. You feel like the little kid who whined, "But, Mom - there's nothing to do today!" Unfortunately, it is unlikely that anyone else will help you to find the spark that you need today, so you'll just have to look a little deeper for your own answers..

You're going to have a wonder-ful day with friends today. Don't worry about making plans, they'll have plenty of suggestions for places to go so follow their lead. You're going to have fun even if you're not in charge or if activities are spur of the moment, so let go and enjoy!.

A welcome shift of energy brings new opportunities and optimism today. A great day for completing projects. If the weather permits, you may benefit from doing a little gardening, or at least tend to your indoor plants. Take a trip if you can (even if it's a short one) - the world is yours! Get your hands dirty with your work or get your feet dirty on your travels - connect to the earth in every way that you can..

It's a day where you'll have to watch for thieves, crooks, schemes and rip-offs. Someone may try to take advantage of you so stay alert. On the other hand, it's a good day exercise your intellect. If you can't have it all, take what you can. You'll be the winner..

You will likely find yourself working with focus towards the future today. You are ambitious and diligent - at the office, working around the house or studying. Ideas and inspirations will be flowing through you, and a new resource for learning will excite your soul. Follow it up!.

WATER ELEMENT Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

This is a time for planning. Gather all the information needed to present your case effectively. Know your subject backwards and forwards because you will be asked to follow up and clarify for those who are new to the subject. You're going to be the expert!.

A venture or proposition involving others that had been looking really good may go 'bust' today. That's okay - who says you have to go with the crowd. Strike out on your own - you'll be able to move faster that way - plus you won't be getting any arguments about which route to take..

Your ship may be taking its own sweet time in coming in, but there's probably no forcing the issue. You may have been taking on a little too much in your daily life, and your juggling game isn't going so well. Maybe it's time to put one of the balls down if your hands are too full. Easing back a little will improve flow..

Today may bring a major shift in plans, so be ready to take appropriate action. You may find yourself set for a totally unexpected course. Prepare for change, transformation and revelations - and to jump ship if necessary. Lay back and do the backstroke!.

You may be strongly reminded today of how much your friends and loved ones really care about you. Although they are sometimes a little lackadaisical in showing their true affection, rest assured that people appreciate you and really enjoy having you around. You are loved more than you could know..

Put your feet up and relax. It's been a hard earned victory and you deserve to rest for a while. You've been on an emotional rollercoaster lately but it has finally come to an end. Sit back and enjoy the fact that a situation is finally resolved. Allow yourself a rejuvenating pause today. Tune out and kick back..

It's a 'power' day for you - so get out there and enjoy! Exciting new opportunities, fresh beginnings of all kinds are possible and new roads beckon. Most importantly, do something you've been forgetting about lately - play! It's good for the soul..