There are three dreams that do not ditakbir or interpreted as follows:
1. Dicita thing to dream during the day so carried away into dreams at night the day, or a person who is ill.
2. A person who has not yet bath junub because when the devil with the members.
3. King of the wicked or the minister of sin.
"When a person is from you to see a happy dream then he shall say Alhamdulillah and ceritakannya to the other, and vice versa when he saw a dream which menduka citakannya, the dream is from Satan, therefore he shall say and do Isti'azah ceritakannya to the because the dream did not hurt him. "Narrated by al-Bukhari from Abu Sa'id.
Had dreamed a dream of time a person is sleeping soundly until he was right and beneficial. These dreams are often the carriers and the opening of the extraordinary transition. Dream a proof given by God, saying: "Allah will prove true to the dream of His Messenger, you will enter the Sacred Mosque, if required of God in peace", the meaning of Surah al-Fath, verse 27.Secara general, a dream place when someone is sleeping. Can also occur in other situations, such as fainting, dizziness, dying, etc, provided physically unconscious or semi-conscious.
It is said the dream occurs when the soul out of his body, just different with the death of the souls of the dead out to all the way from the body. For those who dream, his spirit is out in the sense of 'look' (extending), still living in the body. That is why the bed was breathing. His legs like a person in the water but from the head to the waist above the surface. Or, like my right foot in the water but the left foot stepped on the land. The same applies to those who dream, part of his soul in his body while the other half are outside his body.
Attracting Interest
Dream is a secret spiritual or psychological activity that can attract people from since the human existence on this earth. It has been a theme of conversation and reflection, both to young and old to those who have, over the centuries.
The totality of human dreams, even the creatures of Allah. are others who are dreaming, cats and others. Sometimes the dream is pleasant and sometimes not, sometimes the dream can not be understood and interpreted, sometimes the dream is also mysterious and symbolic that it is difficult for us as human beings to interpret the meaning behind each of the Genesis dreams.
In general, each of us would like to know the secret of his dream, and because of that, since ancient times appears the various attempts to interpret the dream was done, which ultimately creates the artisans who make the administrative interpretation dream as a career. And since the people were more serious attention to their dreams, especially among the castles and the chiefs.
Every strange dream administrators sought to interpret the interpretation of dreams. Because the stories and romances, old tale full of adventure stories from strange dreams.
Then, interpretation of dreams turned into the traditions of folklore be confused with the real to create anxiety and confusion to the public. Therefore, to prevent people from straying, Allah. knowledge taught corporate real dream to some of the Prophet Joseph as anbia'Nya like. who predicted seven years of drought and disaster Armia Prophet who predicted the destruction of the Children of Israel, but the predictions of the anbia 'predictions are not predictions but it is telling is the truth from Allah. qias simbolik.Berdasarkan form of interpretation, interpretation anbia 'and the tamthil-tamthil used in the Quran and the traditions of some Islamic scholars in the past have tried to produce a good method of interpretation and control. Among them who is known in this study was Muhammad bin Sirin (Ibn Sirin).
God. requires that the interpretation of events are under control, especially the dreams of a forecast of future events (prophectic) because such knowledge given to anbia 'and His righteous slaves that do not have the artisans who duly congratulated interpretation invisible chest to know the business well from Allah. The members of modern psychology has produced various theories about dreams. Most of them look down on such dreams. According to them no more than a dream job statement or gratification fantasy hidden fantasy that can not be implemented in nature keyataan, or in other words, the dream job is to resolve problems that can not be solved within the realm of reality, so that dream is viewed as tennis refugees from the problems of life. They reject the dream had the task of predicting future events, they also break up the dream of God.
But however they admit that the interpretation of events is a difficult task, because the dream symbols of language and symbols of the secret, while the language and symbols that are non-standard and universal. They also admit the interpretation has been clouded by all kinds of nonsense and superstition as a result of being exploited by the shaman-healer magic and quacks who wish to express the group dummy.
Manners After MimpiOleh because courts have a lot of interpretation that places the slips, pervert and perplexed, but in this hadith the Prophet. provide a line of strict guidance for the dream, that if we dream of a good and happy so grateful to Allah. Alhamdulillah, with the word and relate to others and to those who we love with the hope that these dreams will really happen but if we dreamed bad and worrying pintalah the protection of Allah Almighty. from the evil demons who organize superstitious dreams for human menyiksakan.
And thus do not extend that vision to others, because the dream itself has no power that can bring harm and injury to us. After a bad dream is that we should do the following:
1. Reading ta'awwuz (A'uuzubillahi minasysyaitoonir roojiim)
2. Spit in our left side 3 times.
3. A change of bed to the side of the lain.4. Wake up and offered prayers 2 (if affordable) if practiced to the above, God willing, the bad dream did not have any effect on us.
BenarBagi dream true dreams, the spirit is out (and partly in the body) to certain places. It's a dream out of his bedroom and saw her father was reading the newspaper in the living room. When awake, he found his father's were in the living room, reading the newspaper. This dream is called the 'dream time', we dreamed about what was happening at that time (in the current time, but not necessarily space). There is also a real dream that shows what will happen. This occurs when the soul is the 'look' into the future.
That's why Muslim thinkers believe that the spirit of speed over the speed of time.
Dream is the other is the dream of 'looks' odd, or dream qiasan, which in this case the spirit into another realm, called the supernatural. This unseen world there are many, including barrier (when dreams people who have died), the world of the jinn and the like. In this type of dream, a person may place or saw a strange creature. Long hair dreams, visions or dreams snake bite of the teeth are extracted, including the type of dream qiasan. Dream mentioned in Surah Yusuf, also of the type qiasan.
Dream LaghaMimpi due to play the devil is called a false dream, or dream lagha or default. The default means of the name of Allah. before bed (Is_haque). Usually this type of dream has no meaning, or a lie.
Believed to have dreams during this type, the fact is one of two conditions:
1. Spirit coming out 'walking' has misled / deceived by the devil.
2. Spirit is everywhere, just in the brain or the mind itself (eg a very Beatles like waiting to see such a dream may be (Is_haque). Also includes play the devil.
BimbinganInilah a very practical guidance to prevent people from being harassed by the dreams that trouble for. What needs to face the fact they are living day to day and leave the future to God Almighty. Do not let their dreams dirunsingkan by distorted or manipulated by the artisans who tried to interpretation groping in the environment from various sources ghaib.Rujukan is authentic and real.
Dream View KematianMiimpi that came to know that he was not long, or will die soon is often called the dream of death. Dream of death and split into many different types of parts. Ponder that we all can make it a lesson in the future, God willing.
Umar ibn al-Sa'id Subaih said: "I saw Abdul Aziz bin Sulaiman green dress and a crown on his head is made of diamonds. Then I asked: "Abu Muhammad, how you feel about death? And how the situation there? "He said:" There is no death, do not ask about the pain and hardship. But I do not feel it because the gift of God. to me. "
1. Interpretation and Reconciliation
Al-Ustaz Abu Sa'id said: "Seeing death in a dream is a regret of something very big. Anyone who looks as if he was dead, then alive, then he or she has a sin and then repents, based on the words of Allah. which means: They said: "Our Lord, You have our off twice and brought us two times, and we acknowledge our sins." (al-believers to -11)
Anyone who looks as if he died without an illness preceded the things that cause death, meaning he was still long. Anyone who looks as if he had not meant death is near death. If the person who dreams as if think that he did not die for ever, he will die in the war sabilillah.
Those who dream, and he bathed and also should be wrapped, means Peace keduniaannya problems but damaged his religion. Those who see the imam (leader of the state) died, would mean disaster in the state, as well as saw the disaster in a state indicates the state of the dead priest.
Anyone who saw the body of a person (the deceased), as if he were dead, and those who cry, that is, until the screaming and wailing, then this show will marry one of their issue. Bemimpi see their tears showed the occurrence of something that is pleasing to them. According to one opinion bemimpi see the death of more people who are dead to show to his death one of his family.
Anyone who found the body of a dream, he will get the property. If death comes to newspapers, will come to mean newspapers and the increasing problem of damage keduniaannya religion. If he looked as if his death, he separated from his enemies.
If he looked as if someone were to duty to a person: "John Doe dies," then there's trouble for telling you. If the pregnancy dreams died and other people menangisinya without lament, he will have a son and he will be happy.
According to one opinion that dream died unmarried people shows he is getting married, while married people who dream of death indicates he will divorce. This is because if the occurrence of death, there was separation. Similarly, the intimate friends of the dead bemimpi berpisah.Sedangkan dreams indicate they will mourn, those who look as if one place at a place of wailing, then there would be no good governance in the areas that caused its retreat.
While the dream crying, there dihikayatkan from Ibn Sirin that he said: "Crying is seen in the bedroom is a delight. But if crying or mourning comes to dance bad dream. If one looks at somebody dies, that person knew, and he meratapnya and trumpet sounds, it means there calamity or sorrow for the people or for family visits.
If one looks at the leader died and they were crying in the back of his body without any mourning, they will see something exciting happening on the leaders. Anyone who looks as if the leader dies and people say good-nyebutnya people, means there is good in leadership.
Anyone who looks as if he was in the middle group of people who have died, meaning he was in the middle of the Hypocrites, means he is asking them to do good, but they ignored the minions.
Anyone who saw him die and live with them means that he died in innovation or go traveling and did not return.
And romances, and some of them (the dream), whom he saw as if the friends of the dead will go to travel far and there he had much good. If he bemimpi eat with a long mean age of the dead. And see the death of the leader indicates he will be overthrown or withdrawn. While also not a good look at agony of his dream.
2. Body wash
As for washing the body of dreams, those who saw the body wash itself, means family or children past the body of sorrow and increased wealth. If the body was bathed by a person, means any person who repented at the hands of those who washed it.
People who washed according to the original dream was a lot of traders and a lot of benefits to help people in difficulty, or even dreamed as the noble who repented in his hand for those who commit sins.
Those who see with those who bathe, he will rise and escape from trouble. If you see dead people looking for people who wash clothes, meaning the dead, that have need of prayer, charity and who is to pay its debts and carry out his will. If the person bemimpi see someone washing clothes is dead, meaning no better than that bathing has come for the dead.
3. Seeing the shroud
Manurut an opinion like the shroud had dreamed of committing adultery. Anyone who saw his clothes not be perfect, he called adultery, but do not ignore it. Anyone who looks as if he was wrapped like a death shroud, indicating he would die. If he saw the head and feet uncovered means there is less good in religion.
However, sometimes the less shroud for the dead is interpreted as close to the turn when the shroud is defined as the excess away from repentance.
Anyone who looks as if people who have no known decorate and put clothes on him in the absence of pride as a reason or a wedding feast, and they left him alone in a house then it shows to its death.
4. Seeing the corpse coffin
Anyone who dreams as if he carried in a coffin, then will take a lot of prestige and wealth. Those who dream placed in the coffin and there is no lift or carry persons, meant that she would be jailed.
Anyone who looks as if the person who sent it to cry behind the bier, good dream, as if he saw them praise and mendoakannya. If he sees them not weep and do not praise him no good.
Dream Neighbor
Sometimes we always dreamed that sometimes we are in danger of some people who hunt us and try to kill us, and always on the run, and fear. Well, this dream can be decomposed into a dream to meet and see which consists of four groups of parents, children, people known and unknown people. Hopefully the explanation below are instructive, wallahuallam.
1. Dream to see the man known
Al-Ustaz Abu Sa'id said: "Dreaming watched the man known shows will get something from him, from someone who looks like him, or that a name with it."
Bemimpi purpose of receiving of valuable items means that you get something from it desired. If the dream is a person qualified to be a leader and accept the new shirt he saw of him, so he would lead that person. Dream of receiving a rope from a mean is promised with it.
2. Seeing the old
Looking at old people who do not know or who are 35 years of age who show limited dreamed it. Anyone who looks as if he followed the old man, meaning he is as good. Anyone who saw the old Rasytaq, meaning he had a wide range of friends or violent, and saw the old Turkish means he got a good friend.
3. Looking young / not known
Dream is the enemy of youth. Saw a white youth is the hidden enemy, an enemy of black men who are rich, russet-skinned young men are old enemies.
If the person who dreamed he saw, followed by youth means he will meet with enemies. If he saw the clash saw the old man turned young man, then all kinds of dreams. Some say he will get pleasure. Some say he will be a decline, either the world or religious problems, some say he will die.
If he saw a young man who is not known and very angry to see, he will meet with enemies who are very hateful people. If she is happy to see it, he will meet disukainya.Perempuan enemy who sees a young woman in his sleep which means it is an enemy in any way. But did see the old woman, meaning the world. If he saw a woman exposing her body float, then he will get the pleasure world. If he saw the old woman's face turned away, then lost its former glory.
If he saw the old man into his house means he will get pleasure world and if she saw out of his house means the world lost pleasure. If he saw the old non-Muslim women means that the pleasures of illicit pleasure, but if Islam means that excitement of the lawful enjoyment.
If he looked as if the young woman turned to older women showed better world. If there are men looking for older women who do not like him when he likes to see it means he is difficult for pleasures. If she seems to like him, he just likes getting pleasures of old women.
4. See children
Dreams of children is a weak enemy. If there is a man who dreamed as if he turned into a child means loss of dignity. However, his dream was to show the hardship of losing. If he saw seemed to support the child, meaning he will run the government.
Anyone who looks as if he studied the Quran or the manners mean he was the last of sin. Anyone who looks as if he has a son in public means will have difficulty managing a child because there were plenty kesusahannya.Menurut tale, a man came to Ibn Sirin, and said: "I dreamed the room as if I had the children screaming "Then Ibn Sirin said:" Fear God and do not hit people with sticks. "
Seeing the girls in bed means for lightness and convenience when, facing hardship. Those who dream of buying slaves, then he or she is in difficulty and those who dream of buying slaves will benefit.
If there are slaves, not puberty, bemimpi as if he had reached puberty means she will be independent. If he saw seemed to have reached puberty, and given him a white cloth, he will marry the woman of independence. If he saw a black garment given to him means he married a former slave woman. If he saw a red dress given meant that she would marry a noble woman. But if the person is old dream like this, he will die. If those who do evil hidden view, it will be discovered works.
Those who dreamed of having a son who is legally responsible, means it is the pride and strength for him. But the pride and strength is greater possibility of the mother of the child. The woman had a son who dreamed of an adult, it means a good that will come to him. Nainun so said the opinions of persons with small children, then she looked like an adult, meaning shows are dead. In other words no longer see the child seems to have become adults showed the strength and help.
Some people dream of his wife was pregnant like a birth of a son, but apparently his wife gave birth to a daughter. There is also a bemimpi get girls, but he have a son. There was even the right as seen in her dream.
There was a woman in Mecca dream-like around the Kaaba there are angels holding incense. Suddenly, someone said to her: "Have you seen that Abdul Aziz bin Abu Daud married tonight?" After Abdul Aziz apparently woke up dead.
KesimpulanSeperti who have said in my previous email, all events and fate and death is the mystery of God Almighty. We can pray as a means of communication or request us to Him. Pray and ask from Him. Ask the good, the good comes the bad, but asked, evil happens, wallahuallam.
We can also adopt norms during the past like a dream great dreams haunt us, encouraged to do the following:
1. Reading ta'awwuz (A'uuzubillahi minasysyaitoonir roojiim)
2. Spit in our left side 3 times.
3. A change of bed to the other side.
4. Wake up and offered prayers 2 (if affordable), and pray that we kept away from the calamity and disaster, and ask for good things as well as protection from him.
If applied to the above God willing, bad dreams do not have any effect on us, Allaah knows best.
Quoted and rearranged from the books of writings of Ibn Sirin, Ad-Dahlawi Imam, Imam An-Nawawi and Imam Ibn Hajar.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Your Dream Divination and Commentary here
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5:26 PM
Labels: Dream Divination, Ramalan Umum
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