You must already know the 12 zodiac used in the science of Astrology. Recently there is a new zodiac zodiac to complement existing ones. Actually what is the history of science such as astrology?
zodiakfortoday- Some day we dihebohkan with the addition of a new zodiac in the science of Astrology. Name the new zodiac is Ophiuchus. Zodiac originally amounted to 12 turned into 13. There was a shift in some dates that causes some people to change the zodiac. Perhaps you are wondering how it happened, because the science of Astrology has existed since thousands of years ago.Astronomy and Astrology
Two names are almost similar, the study of science is almost the same, but there are differences between them. Known as astronomy or astronomy is the science of studying and observing the incident, outside the Earth's physical form. In this case is the movement of space objects such as planets, satellites, comets and so forth. While the science of Astrology is the science of translating the movement of celestial objects to be something related to human characteristics. In line with its development, the science of Astrology is believed to unlock the secrets of fortune and destiny of man. Ranging from health, finance, romance and so forth.
History of Science Astrology
Astronomy have existed for thousands of years ago. Babylonians believed to be the first nation to use astrology as a science Astrology. In the early presence of astrology, there are more than twelve constellations that will be used as the zodiac, but only maintained twelve constellations in accordance with the number of months in the solar calendar. The name that used the Babylonians to the twelve zodiac is Pisces, Spica, Praesepe, Pleiades, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra, Scorpio, Leo and Aries.
If now you are more familiar with Pisces, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra, Scorpio, Leo and Aries, the Greeks who have a role here. They change the name of the Babylonian zodiac given a different name associated with the god or the story of Greek heroes. The Greeks believed that every story on the names of the constellations will affect the person's life. These names are certainly better known than the name given by the Babylonians.
Why is Ophiuchus?
The name of this constellation does not just show up. The Babylonians had known constellation Ophiuchus as one that will be included in the ranks of the zodiac, but the name Ophiuchus omitted because only 12 constellations used. If now the name Ophiuchus reappear and become a debate whether it will be combined with 12 zodiac that already exist, is caused by the finding that the constellation Ophiuchus astronomer looks increasingly clear. Without the help of Astronomy though, you can see this constellation as clear 12 constellations that have been included in the list of the zodiac.
Given these findings, experts have not reached agreement on whether Astrology will be a constellation Ophiuchus the 13th and shift the various dates of birth. Is this news true? For more complete information, see our latest news continues. (Wo / WSW)
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