This is Ramalan zodiak horoskop, ramalan bintang today hari ini mei 2009. If you can my post , you can read my post every day. I will update my post about zodiak horoskop, ramalan bintang.
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Leo (23 Jul - 22 Agt)
Your career is slowly but surely evolving to be a better thing. Just be patient.
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Your career is slowly but surely evolving into a better thing, but the real question is, do you have the patience to wait for it? Or do you need to move on now? Take a long look at your finances to find the answer. If things look tight, you might need to find some patience somewhere and stay on longer. Of course, you always have the option of asking for money. Compile the proof you need to show the big boss that you are worth more than you're getting.
Aries (21 Mar - 19 Apr)
Align yourself with a smart person today. They'll help you overcome any challenge.
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Align yourself with an intellectual person today. Even if their wisdom or education intimidates you, their insight will inspire you to new levels of greatness. They can help you prevail in any challenges you might face and give you confidence in an area that has always mystified you. Of course, it could be a pretty tough to find someone who is smarter than you, but if you keep an open mind about what it means to be intelligent, you'll find them soon.
Taurus (20 Apr - 20 Mei)
There are positive possibilities now. It's a very good time to initiate projects.
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Positive possibilities are all around you right now, which means that it's a good time to initiate any projects or relationships that you've been considering. If you find yourself in the right place at the right time, make your move and start that conversation. Sign on the dotted line or volunteer at that next meeting. It's important to kick things into high gear right now. Your brain is hungry for a bigger challenge. You are ready.
Gemini (21 Mei - 21 Jun)
Take things more slowly in one of your newer relationships. Don't push too hard.
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Take things more slowly in one of your newer relationships. Any impatience you show will only create stress between you two, so just let things unfold at their own pace and don't try to push your views onto them. You need to stay with this person and show them you are committed. While you wait for them, run some errands and keep yourself busy with other things. Soon enough, they'll be ready to take things to the next level. Your future is bright with them.
Cancer (22 Jun - 22 Jul)
You will get tantalizing close to perfection -- and close is as good as it gets.
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You will get tantalizingly close to perfection today, right before you hit a humbling snag that leaves you a little disappointed yet satisfied. Perfection is impossible and you know it. That's why you'll still get a kick out of today and still feel proud of yourself. It's a good day to complete plans, it's a good day to make plans, and it's a good day to stick to your plans! Your organizational skills have never let you down before, and they never will. Rely on them.
Virgo (23 Agt - 22 Sep)
Your mind is entering a strong phase of clarity, and it's time to get organized.
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Your mind is entering a strong phase of clarity, and you'll find plenty of rewards in devising your own way of organizing the chaos you're uncovering. Therefore, it's a great day to tackle your most methodical tasks -- such as planning an event, organizing group travel, or putting together complicated archives. This is a creative task for you -- one that will offer you lots of flexibility and inspire you to invent new ways of doing some old things.
Libra (23 Sep - 22 Okt)
Trust yourself -- you will be able to recognize an opportunity when it comes along.
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The romantic rejections you've suffered in your life have been painful, but they have taught you valuable lessons. You're a much stronger person because of what you've been through and you have a better idea of what you're looking for. Now more than ever, you know what you want, what you need, and most importantly, what you will not tolerate. Trust yourself and know that you will be able to recognize a good opportunity when it comes along.
Scorpio (23 Okt - 21 Nov)]
If someone is direct and honest with you today, don't be insulted -- be flattered.
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If someone is direct and brutally honest with you today, don't be insulted -- be flattered. They want to be honest with you, and they respect you enough to take that risk. This person will be doing you a favor by not turning things into a big drama. Just take what they say at face value, move forward with the information you've been given, and do not turn a mature conversation into a battle of cheap shots and defensive posturing.
Sagittarius (22 Nov - 21 Des)
Authority will be tough to deal with today -- they are saying things you don't like.
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Authority will be difficult for you to deal with today. People in power are saying things you don't like -- coming around to their perspective will be tough. But all you can do is stop talking and listen more attentively. What you are being told to do might not be your idea of a great time, but it is necessary if you want to maintain goodwill and stay on the good side of eminence. Unless you have a moral objection, just carry out orders today.
Capricorn (22 Des - 19 Jan)
It's all about comfort today. Coziness is easy to achieve and extremely rewarding.
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It's all about comfort today. Coziness is easy to achieve and more rewarding than you could ever imagine. You're feeling more grounded in the world around you right now and at ease with what is going on. All your tasks are moving ahead nicely, all your people are doing well, and you're getting lots achieved without exerting too much energy. This is the perfect day to fit in a nap. Your deadlines are all far off in the distance and you're feeling fine.
Aquarius (20 Jan - 18 Feb)
There won't be much movement in any direction today -- just sit tight and wait.
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There won't be much movement in any direction today -- backward, forward, sideways, or any other way. The energy of the day may be mellow, but it is nevertheless powerful. So just because you're not running around with a million things to do does not mean that you won't be active and productive in some way. There is lots of positive energy just under the surface, and once you tap into it, you'll be able to see the bright side of the darkest events.
Pisces (19 Feb - 20 Mar)
Positive possibilities are all around you. It's a good time to initiate new things.
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Positive possibilities are all around you right now, making today a very good time to initiate a major project or start a relationship -- it's a great day for a first date! You're feeling confident about what you can offer to any situation and at ease among any kind of person. Formal relationships and contractual obligations should go the distance if you begin them today, so make sure you have the time available in your schedule to pursue them fully.
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