Thursday, November 19, 2009

Update Ramalan Zodiak 19 November 2009

Leo (Jul 23 - Agust 22)


Batas Bawah

Your enthusiasm knows no bounds; something dear to your heart gets the green light.

Dalam Detil

It's finally starting to dawn on you that it's over, and that you've actually gotten yourself out of a really tough situation. You're feeling free -- like it really is the first day of the rest of your life. Well, don't stop now. If you have a couple of other changes in mind, this would be a good time to give them some energy and consideration, too. Why not make it a clean sweep?

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)


Batas Bawah

Don't be afraid to ask for favors, but be careful not to push anyone too hard.

Dalam Detil

Take care of whatever happens to be on your to-do list -- during the day, at least. Expect a dear one to demand your time this evening, and don't dare to refuse them. You've undoubtedly had all the fun you can stand by being good and all the stress you can handle after last week. Try to keep your opinions to yourself tonight. Why start it up all over again if you don't have to?

Taurus (Apr 20 - Mei 20)


Batas Bawah

You know what's what and that's that. Your certainty lets you have a great day.

Dalam Detil

Just the facts, ma'am -- that's your style, your credo and what you're famous for. It applies most to your style of communication, especially to conversations with strangers or platonic acquaintances. Right now, though, you'll feel the need to go on at length, about the silliest things, too. Don't worry; it's temporary. In the meantime, chat up a storm and enjoy it.

Gemini (Mei 21 - Jun 21)


Batas Bawah

A business deal may stall. Don't push, or it could crumble. Ease up a little.

Dalam Detil

It's time to have that conversation you've been putting off for far too long. The good news is that you're in the perfect mood to do it. Just be sure not to get too carried away. You may want to make up for lost time, but going overboard won't help anything. Let the other party get a word in edgewise. Remember, they've probably been holding on to a few things for a while, too.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)


Batas Bawah

If you feel like staying in, do so. Don't let anyone guilt you into a social event.

Dalam Detil

Have you been looking for a new and interesting companion? Someone who's just bright and witty enough to capture your attention and hold it? Well get ready, because they're right around the corner. What do you have to do to ensure that the feelings will be mutual? Just show up and smile that dazzling smile. No one could ever resist you, especially when you've been waiting for them for so long.

Virgo (Agust 23 - Sep 22)


Batas Bawah

All your effort results in some unexpected dividends. Share the wealth.

Dalam Detil

You've been on an emotional roller coaster lately, haven't you? And you've taken some of your friends and family members along for the ride, too. Well, it's time to get rid of all those emotions -- the highs and the lows -- and prepare yourself for some good, old-fashioned fun. Fun of the light-hearted variety. Your friends will be so relieved they may need to dab their eyes.

Libra (Sep 23 - Okt 22)


Batas Bawah

Don't dwell on the past -- but learn lessons from it so you can move on.

Dalam Detil

You're entitled to give yourself the luxury of speaking your mind whenever you want to, and lately you've done just that. But today, you woke up without the urge to shout, spout or go on at length about anything at all. It's a bit of a relief, isn't it? Well if you're feeling that way, you can just imagine how your dear ones are feeling. Treat them to dinner at your place. It's only fair.

Scorpio (Okt 23 - Nov 21)


Batas Bawah

You're absolutely determined to see this thing through. Good for you.

Dalam Detil

Oh, here we go. Someone who obviously doesn't know you -- or doesn't know how close they can come to trouble with a few badly placed words -- has decided to push your buttons, just to see what will happen. After they manage to close their mouth, they'll probably want to apologize. Whether or not you allow them to is up to you. But it would be generous, at this point.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Des 21)


Batas Bawah

Determine the difference between want and need. Spend money only on what counts.

Dalam Detil

Someone who counts on you to keep things together for them will be on the phone -- or at your door -- in serious need of your talents. Fortunately, you can calm them down especially well today, because you have what it takes to get the job done: humor, wisdom and the gift of gab, which the heavens have tossed your way as of early this morning. Better get busy.

Capricorn (Des 22 - Jan 19)


Batas Bawah

Your plans will come together and start moving forward like a well-oiled machine.

Dalam Detil

Everything you're thinking, feeling and even remotely wondering will emerge immediately from your lips. No, that's not your usual style, and yes, you'll definitely be shocking and amazing the masses -- not to mention your inner circle. That doesn't mean you should stop yourself, though. Not for a second. Say every word just the way you want to. It's your turn to be unceremoniously blunt. Enjoy it.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


Batas Bawah

Be your own coach today. When you want to give up, tell yourself to keep going.

Dalam Detil

While the rest of the world seems to be oh so eager to let go and just say it, whatever 'it' happens to be, you're in the opposite mood for once. You want to keep quiet, draw back and watch. And it's going to be quite amusing. You're so used to acting this way that it will be like watching a kid try to ride a bike for the first time. Be kind, though -- and offer some pointers, if you're feeling especially generous.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)


Batas Bawah

This may be too big to handle on your own. Find someone who can give you a hand.

Dalam Detil

Spend the day keeping a nice, healthy distance between you and whomever you've been trying to duck out on -- even if you know they'll notice and take offense. What's more important, after all? Having a good day? Or placating someone who really does need to realize, once and for all, that nobody in their right mind wants to be around a Debbie Downer. You win.

READ MORE - Update Ramalan Zodiak 19 November 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Zodiak Update 2009

This Article of this blog are about ramalan bintang or zodiak horoskop for today , .
Do not make this as a benchmark, you make as an encouragement. Between believing and not believing in his prophecy of the zodiac, but as it was also still many people who want to know how to forecast Zodiak .. Star Divination (Ramalan Bintang) .. Zodiac? Want to know the forecast or prediction Zodiac Star Weekly you. Read the Star Prophecy or Zodiac Divination only in

Leo (Jul 23 - Agust 22)


Batas Bawah

You need to keep moving around today: roam among different groups of people.

Dalam Detil

A fine line exists between devotion and obsession -- so make sure you are not spending too much time on activities that ultimately could be holding you back. Enjoy yourself, but make sure you are able to walk away at any time. Freedom is something you need to maintain. Keep moving around today, roaming among different groups of people and not staying too long in any one spot -- a rolling stone gathers no moss, remember? Stay footloose and moss-free!

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)


Batas Bawah

Wait for everyone else to get on the same page. Take the path of least resistance.

Dalam Detil

Your new and improved take-charge attitude is starting to work today. Results are still coming slowly, but people are getting behind you more and more. No one else sees things like you do, and that is working in your favor. Resist taking on any more right now. Instead, take the path of least resistance and wait for everyone else to get on the same page as you. They can pick up the slack while you stand on the sidelines, cheering everyone on like a coach.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)


Batas Bawah

Growth is a good thing, but try to take a break from pushing yourself today.

Dalam Detil

Growth is a good thing, but you should take a break from pushing yourself right now. Today will not be best spent challenging yourself or starting difficult conversations. Settle in to a routine right now and find comfort in doing the same things. There is something to be said for predictability. Let the dust settle on your newly renovated life.

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)


Batas Bawah

Look for promising signs of progress in one of your newer relationships today.

Dalam Detil

Look for promising signs of progress in one of your newer relationships today. You are finally getting some traction. Your charm is all you need to seal the deal, so unleash it without any limits. The time to play conservatively is over. You must act now and act boldly. Dangle the carrot and watch them jump for it -- then let them make the final move.

Taurus (Apr 20 - Mei 20)


Batas Bawah

For a pleasant day, stay flexible and let the world show you something special.

Dalam Detil

To ensure you have the most pleasant day possible, stay flexible and just let the world show you something fantastic. Save yourself from trying to create special situations -- it's a waste of time. The best moments in life are spontaneous -- when everything just falls into place. So forget about all the planning and coordinating. If you can just let things be what they are going to be, the magic will take over.

Gemini (Mei 21 - Jun 21)


Batas Bawah

Strike up a conversation. Seek out someone who doesn't need the approval of others.

Dalam Detil

Today, a direct relationship exists between how easy something is to attain and how worthwhile it is pursue. If someone is batting their eyelashes at you, dying for some attention, they're not the person you should be checking out right now. Seek out the person who stands apart from the crowd, who doesn't work so hard for the approval of others. This person is not playing hard to get -- they are just being themselves. Although challenging, strike up a conversation. The banter might be worth it.

Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)


Batas Bawah

Authority figures may cause you some stress, but you shouldn't feel intimidated.

Dalam Detil

Authority figures might cause you some stress today -- they will have a tendency to micromanage you and be somewhat of a hovering presence. It doesn't mean you're not doing a good job. On the contrary, they are experiencing some insecurities and the need to justify their existence. So don't be intimidated -- you should feel relieved that you're competent and don't have to waste your time on phony baloney stunts.

Virgo (Agust 23 - Sep 22)


Batas Bawah

An opportunity for upward mobility arrives on the scene. Don't wait to grab it.

Dalam Detil

Today a new opportunity for upward mobility will arrive on the scene bright and early. Don't wait too long to address it -- the good fortune pendulum is swinging back your way, and it's bound to swing away again before you know it. Reach out and grab this chance, even if you don't feel completely prepared. This sunnier weather in your professional universe will put you on a path to a bigger, fancier lifestyle full of complicated changes.

Libra (Sep 23 - Okt 22)


Batas Bawah

Today, reorganize your social circle to leave unhealthy people outside of it.

Dalam Detil

Has someone been putting you under pressure to be perfect lately? Ignore them. Shake loose of their apprising gaze and invite them to focus on someone else for a while -- like their own self. You add sunshine to the lives of most of the people you touch, so why worry about one person who is still stuck in their own personal fog? Let go of the few missteps you have been making -- after all, everyone else who matters already has. Reorganize your social circle and leave unhealthy people outside of it.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Des 21)


Batas Bawah

If no one else is going to sing your praises today, you must toot your own horn!

Dalam Detil

It's time to toot your own horn! If no one else is going to sing your praises today, you must step up to the microphone and belt it out by yourself! You deserve to feel pride in what you have done, because no one else could have done it as well. With every success comes a cloud of jealousy or anger from the folks who just couldn't pull it off. A few shining people will give you props, but you shouldn't rely on external approval for your sense of accomplishment. Give yourself a hand!

Capricorn (Des 22 - Jan 19)


Batas Bawah

Having power and having control are two very different things -- let go of control.

Dalam Detil

Having power and having control are very different possessions. You don't have to be the one in charge to shape the future. Don't think small today -- focusing on the person behind the steering wheel is waste of time. Instead, you're plotting your own course, so break out the map and start planning your future. Let go of the wheel and go for a ride -- it's better to let the stars dictate your next destination.

Scorpio (Okt 23 - Nov 21)


Batas Bawah

Make affordable plans. Money shouldn't be an issue in your friendships.

Dalam Detil

You are going to have to conserve your money to retain the peace in your friendships -- some folks are letting the green stuff get in the way of things. And keep in mind, money isn't the only thing that's green -- envy can also put up a wall between the two of you. It's up to you to make sure you master the balance between knowing when not to make an issue of it and thinking about it when social events are planned. When in doubt, keep things modest and affordable.

READ MORE - Zodiak Update 2009



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